Non-Question: I thought for sure you'd have some comments about the HP5 teaser trailer that hit the net this week, but alas...ear wax. Hope your avatar doesn't appear on a milk carton.Ha ha, gonzo, very funny. But yeah, I know I haven't updated in a loooong time. You can chalk that up to extreme unmotivation to do
anything around the time my finals were wrapping up (the last one was on April 27), followed by the fact that around that time we had people walking around in our house when we were trying to sell it, followed by our house actually getting sold and the consequent search for a new place to live (we move out of here at the end of July). It's been mad. *shakes head*
I feel like I should be more excited about the HP4 movie, but for some reason I just can't muster up the appropriate level of enthusiasm. The last movie I went to see at the cinema was one that I'd been looking forward to for some time with much interest and it turned out rather disappointingly (damn you, Ridley Scott!! ...though not really, 'cause that's mean), so maybe that's got something to do with it? Anyway, once the time actually rolls around for
Goblet of Fire to come out (it isn't out 'til NOVEMBER?? Geez, I'd forgotten about that and thought it was coming out this summer, dammit.), I'm sure I'll be quite ready to go and see it. Hermione's dress is, alas, not blue. Woe. I did enjoy the trailer though, and it did make me a bit more excited for the movie, and I can't wait 'til there's a full trailer at some point. :)
So, juuuust to make this the least well-structured entry post EVER, let's go back to that whole we-sold-our-house thing. It turns out that the party who bought our house is a contractor of some sort and he's looking to renovate this place. Which, I guess, is fine (*whine* my house is already perfect, darn it!), except that apparently, this guy bought the house
without ever having seen the inside of it. So we DIDN'T sell it to one of those lovely families that actually came inside and liked the place enough to make an of those families that would actually move in after we leave, and possibly grow to love this place like I do. No. The winning offer was from a stinkin' contractor (er, not that I have anything against contractors, per se; I just felt I needed to use an adjective of some sort). Le sigh.
Since we're taking a trip to London about a week from now, Mom thought it'd be a good idea to start packing some of our stuff away now before we go so that there's less to do when we get back. I've started packing up some of the stuff in my room (and lemme tell ya, that's a LOT of stuff...I'm still not finished. God, I'm such a pack-rat.) and I came across the "survival kit" I made myself when I was a young 'un. Here are the items that I apparently thought I might need in order to survive:
- small pad of post-it notes
- pencil
Pochacco playing cards
- lemon-shaped eraser
- green-pepper-shaped pencil sharpener ('cause it's no good having a pencil without a way to keep it sharp, yes?)
- 2 AA batteries (which were, of course, now dead)
Hmm. I must not have thought I'd be "lost" for very long, eh?
In other news, I spent a good amount of time one day this week (while I had a cold and couldn't do much else that was more productive), um, deciding what my 10 favorite
Buffy episodes are. Shut up! I SWEAR that's a good way to spend valuable time, besides the fact that the chosen episodes are liable to change at any time... ;) I've been reading some of the script books I have and, heaven help us, I've been Buffified again (Buffification: it's a disease. It comes and goes, but is never really gone. No known cure.). Anyhoo, as I'm sure you're ALL just
dying to know what the episodes are that I've chosen [for now], here they are, in no order (geez, it was hard enough just to pick just 10 eps... you didn't really expect me to try to
order them, too, right?):
1. "Becoming" (both parts)
2. "Passion"
3. "Surprise" and "Innocence"
4. "I Only Have Eyes for You"
5. "Hush"
6. "The Body"
7. "The Gift"
8. "The Prom"
9. "Once More, With Feeling"
10. "Selfless"
It's harder to come up with a list of 10 than you might think. My initial list had 28 titles on it before a slowly and painfully drew a line through more than half of 'em. Maybe I can have a list of 20? No no, that's too many.
Man, what IS is with me and my lists? I make EVERYTHING into lists. Maybe I should have a list of all of my lists.
Ta for now -- Mom's advice for me today was to not do (oooh, split infinitive; fun!) any packing or accounting work, but rather to watch all of those movies on video that I've been meaning to watch for the longest time. Well, who am I to argue with my mother's advice? :)